Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ten beauty health hazards

Ten beauty health hazards

Gulf News
October 30th, 2012

1. Eyeliner
Eyeliner has been around for centuries and is popular with many women as a way to frame eyes and make them stand out. However, although in most cases eyeliner is no cause for concern, applying any product so close to your eyes can come with its risks. Not only are many eyeliners made up of chemicals which can cause irritation, but applying the product too close to the inner corners of your eyes can lead to blocked tear ducts. To keep your eyes healthy, use a natural kohl eyeliner, avoid applying too close to the tear ducts, and replace your eyeliner after three months.
2. Tight ponytails
You may not think about your health when considering how to wear your hair, but your hair-do not only affects how you look, it can also affect how you feel. Wearing your hair in a tight ponytail can strain the connective tissue in the scalp, leading to headaches as well as hair breakage and loss. Wearing your hair in a tight braid and wearing headbands can also have similar effects. If you feel a headache coming on, let your hair down to help ease the symptoms.
3. Hair dye
While ditching your hair dye may seem like a scary prospect, continuing to colour your hair could have even more frightening results. The chemical para-phenylenediamine (PPD) is thought to be behind up to 80 per cent of allergic reactions to hair dye. While most of these reactions are relatively minor, including blisters and skin sores, PPD has been linked to more serious conditions such as permanent hair loss and, in rare cases, even death – although this link has yet to be confirmed. As allergies to PPD can develop at any time, it is important to perform a patch test every time you colour your hair. It may also be worth swapping to safer chemical-free or wash-out dyes.
4. Hair straightening products
Many women opt for salon straightening treatments to help keep curly or unruly hair poker straight for months at a time. However, in 2011 the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a health warning over the risks of exposure to the carcinogen formaldehyde found even in straightening products listed as formaldehyde-free. Whilst salon workers who regularly use these products are at the most risk, it is still wise to avoid the dangerous chemical by manually straightening hair with blow-drying and straightening irons instead.
5. Mascara
Mascara can harbour bacteria that is transferred into the product after each application and which can reproduce in the dark, warm environment of the mascara tube, potentially leading to eye infections. To help reduce the health risks associated with your mascara, make sure you store your mascara in a cool place and replace it after three months. Also, avoid applying your mascara in the car or on a journey as the motion can cause scratches to the eye during application which can also lead to infections.
6. Lipstick
Apparently the average woman eats four to nine pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. Given that a 2004 study revealed that up to 28 per cent of lipsticks contain chemicals that can cause cancer, this is a pretty scary statistic. A 2007 study by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics also found that more than 50 per cent of lipstick brands tested contained lead. Look after your health by switching to natural, organic brands of lipstick, particularly if pregnant.
7. Fish pedicures
In the last few years, fish pedicures have soared in popularity across the world, with people flocking to doctor fish spas for help with psoriasis, eczema or simple pedicures in which the fish nibble away at dead skin to leave areas smooth and soft. However, just as quickly as popularity grew, health reports were issued over the perceived dangers of this treatment. Reports state that fish pedicures could spread viruses such as hepatitis. While the risk is thought to be low, it is advised that those who carry a blood-borne virus, have any open cuts, or who have recently waxed or shaved their legs should avoid getting this treatment.
8. Shared beauty products
It can be tempting to borrow your friend's lipstick when you've forgotten your own or to lend your best pal your mascara when she asks, however sharing your make-up can also mean sharing infections. It is impossible to tell by looking at someone if they have an infection as some viruses can be contagious even before they begin to show. Sharing lipstick could lead to catching cold sores, while eye make-up is the most risky and can lead to eye infections such as the extremely contagious conjunctivitis. If you must share make-up, minimise risk by wiping off the top layer before use.
9. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids
You may not have heard of Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHAs and BHAs) but they are commonly used in many beauty products, including anti-wrinkle and acne creams. Both AHAs and BHAs act as skin exfoliants, sloughing off dead skin cells. However, alongside potential side effects such as burning, swelling and skin irritation, the chemicals have a fairly dangerous side effect in that they drastically increase the risk of UV skin damage, therefore increasing risk of skin cancer. If you must use these products, make sure you use a high SPF daily to minimise risk of sun damage. However, exfoliating skin with natural skin scrubs may offer a gentler solution to applying acids.
10. False nails
While false nails applied properly should pose little risk to your health, long-term use, or using cheap acrylic or poorly fitted nails, can damage the nail bed, lead to fungal infections between the false and natural nail and lead to natural nails coming off. Furthermore, some nail bars use acrylic nail products containing the chemical methyl methacrylate (MMA), which has been linked to respiratory problems and severe allergic reactions. Reports have also suggested that over-exposure to the ultra-violet lamps used to fix artificial nails can also increase risk of skin cancer.

Toxic cosmetic brand

The following brands have toxic chemicals inside of their products.

L’Oreal (Maybelline, Garnier, Kiehl’s, The Body Shop, Softsheen-Carson), Procter & Gamble (CoverGirl, Pantene, Secret, Old Spice), Estee Lauder (Clinique, MAC, Prescriptives), Avon, and Unilever (Dove, Ponds, St. Ives, Axe) follow J&J’s



Parabens 對羥基苯甲酸酯,為化學合成之防腐劑,主要讓商品可以長期在店面陳列,不至腐敗變質,具廣效性之抗菌活性,是美國化粧品最常添加的防腐劑,最常見的種類包括Ethyl paraben、 Methyl paraben 及Propyl paraben,主要讓商品可以長期在店面陳列,不至腐敗變質。


在日本,PARABEN被厚生省列為「有過敏等超過的可能性的物質」,對皮膚有造成障礙的可能。並於2001年新修定的藥事法中明確規定製造廠商有義務將PARABEN成分作指定成分標示,因次近年來才有一些日本的廠商,如芬珂FANCL, 泡泡玉SHABO NDAMA, Dr. Cilabo…etc,標示他們生產的化妝品、清潔用品、保養品無添加PARABEN防腐劑,來與ㄧ般化粧用品作為區隔。也讓許多皮膚較敏感的消費者做為挑選化粧清潔用品的選項之ㄧ。

另外美國一注注重健康及環保的人士亦指出PARABEN容易造成皮膚敏及紅疹現象, 原文如下:Methyl and Propyl and Butyl and Ethyl Paraben — Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reactions and skin rashes. Methyl paraben combines benzoic acid with the methyl group of chemicals. Highly toxic.

What made up the lipstick?

For 81% women in Europe and United state , lipstick and lips bums is a must for you to bring any where you go. However, do you know,  in average a woman will swallow around 2 kg of lipstick in their life. Just pretend that you start using cosmetic since 16 until 60. Do you know what made up the lipstick that you use every day? Half of it is a cancer agent. This include butylated hydroxymole ( BHA), perfume, plastic , talcum powder, Teflon and formaldehyde.
Actually , that is not only lipstick that you have to observe. That is thousand of product that we put on out body that we have to make sure the safety. This is according to the report of Chemical Safe Skincare campaign in year 2007 that expose every women have at least 12 product for body care.
We have been tell taking this and that can prevent your skin to be old. However, 70% of it will absorb to your body . National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) US list 3000 chemical component use in cosmetic product. 900 of it contain toxic that connected to skin irritation , cancer , cell mutation , and many other diseases.  For more information you can read Toxic Beauty  that contain a lot of information about this problem.
For 81% women in Europe and United state , lipstick and lips bums is a must for you to bring any where you go. However, do you know,  in average a woman will swallow around 2 kg of lipstick in their life. Just pretend that you start using cosmetic since 16 until 60 . Do you know what made up the lipstick that you use every day? Half of it is a cancer agent. This include butylated hydroxymole ( BHA), perfume, plastic , talcum powder, Teflon and formaldehyde.
Actually , that is not only lipstick that you have to observe. That is thousand of product that we put on out body that we have to make sure the safety. This is according to the report of Chemical Safe Skincare campaign in year 2007 that expose every women have at least 12 product for body care.
We have been tell taking this and that can prevent your skin to be old. However, 70% of it will absorb to your body . National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) US list 3000 chemical component use in cosmetic product. 900 of it contain toxic that connected to skin irritation , cancer , cell mutation , and many other diseases.  For more information you can read Toxic Beauty  that contain a lot of information about this problem.

Cosmetic Product Causes Lead Poisoning

Lead Exposure from Cosmetic Product Causes Lead Poisoning in 6-Month-Old Boy
EMSL Analytical provides testing services for lead and other heavy metals in consumer products and environmental samples.

According to Fox News, a 6-month old boy has developed lead poisoning after contact with a cosmetic product known as “trio.” The powder-like substance was placed on the boy’s eyelids during a folk remedy that is said to support visual development. The boy, who was born in the United States to Nigerian parents, was brought to the Boston Children’s Hospital in June 2011 where elevated levels of lead were detected in his blood.

During a routine checkup, a pediatrician noticed the powder on the boy’s eyelids. He was sent for lead testing in which the results were positive. The powder on the boy’s eyelids was also tested, and it reportedly contained 82.6 percent lead. The boy has since been treated with iron supplements and referred to the hospital for further testing.

The boy’s parents have stopped using the powder, and blood tests reveal that his lead levels are dropping. Fox News reports that the boy is developing normally and growing well.

Exposure to lead can damage the body organs including the brain, kidneys, and bone marrow. Lead is highly toxic, especially to young children. Their bodies are still developing, making them more susceptible to absorbing and retaining lead.

In young children, even a small amount of lead exposure can cause brain damage, reduce IQ, and increase chances of learning and behavioral deficiencies

Toxic chemicals in our daily life

Our Skin’s Drinking What?

Studies have shown that on a daily basis the average woman is exposed to 50 mg or more of the Dirty Dozen chemicals thanks to body care, fragrances, and cosmetics. A recent online study showed that 60% of consumers are looking for “safer” products however they still continue to use products with chemicals in them. The truth is, most people don’t know what to look for when reading ingredients lists. Secondly, we don’t have strong enough laws around safe ingredients and cosmetic labelling.

Cancer Risk & Other Adverse Health Effects

It disturbs me even as I write; I am sad to write these facts.  So many “normal” chemical cosmetic ingredients are linked to cancers and other adverse health effects. Many of the dirtiest chemicals are found in our everyday personal care products, affecting human health, children, aquatic life, and the ecosystem. These chemicals have been linked to the following illnesses: various cancers, allergies, thyroid and kidney problems, lung function, blood coagulation, increased skin aging, skin cancer, breast cancer, neurotoxicity, endocrine (hormone) disruption, harmful affects in the developing fetus, female and male fertility, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, asthma, eye and skin irritations, systemic toxicity and genotoxicity. I’ve connected the dots below in my chart as to which ingredients cause which health problems. Make yourself aware of the Dirty Dozen chemicals so that you can protect your health and use safer products.

Breast Cancer

The Mother Nature Network describes breast cancer trends:  ”The rate of incidence among women has risen from 1 in 22 in the 1940s to 1 in 7 in 2004, and breast cancer is also on the rise in men.” Parabens are the most widely used preservative in cosmetics made from petrochemicals. It’s estimated that at least 75-95% of cosmetics contain parabens. Parabens easily penetrate the skin and they are known endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Methylparaben has been found in breast cancer tissue and has been banned for use in personal care products in the European Union. I recently took a look at the bottle of Proactiv Cleanser that the little girl had that I take care of. I was shocked to see a list of, not just one paraben, but 4 parabens including methylparaben and propylparaben! Also, in the Human Toxome Project by the EWG, they found methylparaben in 28 of the 28 people tested in the study.

The Dirty Dozen

The David Suzuki Foundation has classified what they believe as the 12 most toxic ingredients that are linked to cancer. Here’s a summary that I’ve made into a chart form for easier reading. Here is a copy of the full report: Dirty Dozen Report.